Monday, April 12, 2010

Silver Spring Sprouts

Here are a few
silver spring sprouts
I smithed
Yes um, that's almost a tongue twister.

El Nube Plateado
(turquoise and silver in a
fancy schmancy setting)

(MT chalcedony in a unique cut and silver)
A Montana born perwinkle gem for your digit.

Both the above sprouts are in the ETSY shop now.

Los Mixtos
custom order
(sterling, copper
14k rose and yellow golds,

Thanks so much for stopping by,
and reading this,
looking at the photos,
or if you just happen to drop in.
I do appreciate it.
Best regards,

1 comment:

CarolynArtist said...

Love them all Kristin, esp love the turquoise ring with the fancy bezel...WOW